Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Swimming In The Moonlight

Open water swimmers the world over know the beauty of swimming at sunrise and at sunrise when the colors of the sky turn magical and majestic.

For a select few, they choose to get in the water at night for various reason: adventure or training for a channel swim. These night swims are particularly beautiful during a full moon on a still, cloudless night.

In Texas, some people howl at the moonlight at the Barton Springs Full Moon Night Swim - click here to hear the howls.

The Outdoor Swimming Society has an entire subset of their wild swimming population who enjoy swimming in the moonlight.

And, of course, night swimmers in the world's oceans rave about the bioluminescence which is the production and emission of light by organisms. It is particularly beautiful when you are under the water and looking up at the surface of the water under a full moon.

Photo from Oh Joy.

Copyright © 2009 by World Open Water Swimming Association

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