Swim parallel to shore as you warm-up easy freestyle (for 10-20 minutes). Then do a set of easy-medium-hard-sprint swims. For example, swim at an easy pace for 200 arm strokes, swim at a medium pace for 150 arm strokes, swim at a hard pace for 100 arm strokes and then finish with 50 sprint strokes. You can repeat that pattern or do other patterns for the next 30-60 minutes.
Use a waterproof watch to time yourself.
If there are no landmarks, then you can swim easy for 10 minutes in one direction and then swim hard for 9.5 minutes in the other direction. Hopefully, the distance will be the same.
The key is to constantly push yourself so you increase your heart rate throughout your long open water swims, and learn how to quickly shift gears in the open water so you can respond to surges by your competitors, instead of simply swimming at an easy pace for long distances.
Hehehe. That swimmer is Laurin Weisenthal. :D www.laurinswim.com
Congratulations on getting engaged and very best wishes for your/Laurin's English Channel crossing later this month.
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